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News, Stories, and Tips

On the Course - It’s Not Always About the Score

It’s that time of the year. When the days get shorter, the temperature isn’t quite shorts weather anymore, and most of all we don’t have as much time to sneak in that extra 18 holes after work during the week.
So how can we keep our game fresh in the off season? If you aren’t the kind of person to hit a lot of balls at the range, here is a suggestion of how you can keep your whole game sharp and be ready for the spring season!
In the off season it’s the perfect time to head out on the course. The course is usually quiet after 3pm everyday. Instead of beating balls on the range go out and work on how to play. Golf is not about having the perfect swing. It is about getting the ball in the hole.   We don’t always have to play to keep score. 
Every week the pros play several rounds before the tournament to see the course and work on course management. So you should too!   When you play a quick 9 think about working on these different things rather than focusing on score. 


Tee Shots

Instead of playing the same tees you always do, consider playing a shorter tee. The different distances will force you visualize a new shot, consider a different club off the tee. All these things will help you become more focused on the course and work on your routine.

For example many people have told me the second hole at Morgan Creek is a tough one to hit the fairway. The next time you play it try teeing up the ball from the other side of the tee box than you normally would. Changing how you see the hole will help with your focus and visualization. 



The best way to determine how far you actually hit clubs is to test your distances on the course. Hit an iron the fairway that you might not normally choose. For example if you always choose more club and hit it easy, then practice hitting one less club and see if you can get it to the pin.

You can also work on distance control. Before you hit your shot find out how far it is to the pin, then how far it is to the front of the green and the back. Having more numbers to work with will help build confidence if the club you selected. For example if you are 115 to the pin, 100 to the front edge and 127 to the back edge you see that you have lots of room to work with and might ease your mind of worrying about hit one perfect shot. 


When you get up to each green try using new clubs that you normally wouldn’t. If you usually use a sand wedge for every shot even if it is a long bump and run, consider using a club that will drop and roll more like a Pitching Wedge or even a 9 iron. Different clubs will fly and roll differently, which again will force you to visualize your shot better.   I always talk to my students about how much more confident you will be standing over a shot if you have hit it before.


On the greens take the time to read the putt. I can’t give away all my secrets in the article, but there is truly a better side of the hole to read a putt from. Do you know where that is? Next you see me around the course come chat with me and see if you were right!


Finally the most important part of the game for truly being successful in carrying over your new swing thoughts to the course is having a good routine.   Try to work on creating a good routine. Avoid hitting shots when you are not 100% completely ready.
I hope to see some of you out there this fall working on your game on the course. You will find me out there hitting a few shots to keep my game sharp. Growing up as a Junior golfer in Winnipeg, I don’t think I even knew where the range was at my home course. All we did was play. So for me the only place I feel I can work on my game is on the course.
As always if you have any questions or would even like to do an on course lesson so we can talk more about these key points you can contact me by phone or email.
Leila Harman
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3500 Morgan Creek Way, Surrey, B.C. V3Z 0J7