Back to the Basics with Leila Harman - Throw and Catch your Way to a Better Golf Swing
I am sure that many of you are in the same boat as I am these days. Self Isolation is different. A big change from our very busy, slightly over scheduled lives. It has forced many of us to sit back and really enjoy some downtime with our families. If you have young kids like I do, then you know that the days can fly by trying to keep them entertained. But also giving you a chance to realize that you are a very important person in their lives and can really influence them.I am sure that many of you are in the same boat as I am these days. Self Isolation is different. A big change from our very busy, slightly over scheduled lives. It has forced many of us to sit back and really enjoy some downtime with our families.
The first little while that was great! Especially when kids were still considered to be on Spring Break. Then Monday March 30th hit and parents all realized that we are supposed to be our kids new teachers. Panic probably set in for many people.So I would like to offer some fun “golf” tips that you can do at home everyday with your kids to keep them entertained, and working on their athletic skills.
I have the pleasure of working with the youngest golfers that take lessons at Morgan Creek. In our Creekster classes we use oversized bright colour plastic equipment and tennis balls to learn. The special equipment makes it fun. However in a 45 minute class we spend a lot of time learning to be safe in our own circle, and always start with body motion to warm up and ball throwing to learn how to judge distance.
In each lesson I choose a ball throwing, rolling or tossing drill so that the kids can figure out how hard or soft to move the ball to the target.
In Putting we roll the ball slowly and talk about how big the arm motion is.
In Chipping we do a small under hand toss.
Once we hit the third week and full swing, we have the kids throw over hand and learn how to properly rotate their body in the throw and swing.
Golf is not just about hitting a ball with a club. Even with my adult students I consistently use a medicine ball to work on difficult motions in the golf swing. I encourage them to do these ball throwing drills at home as much as they can.It is important to start with a Level 1 type throw of under hand toss with a child. They may not be able to catch a small ball, so start with a bigger ball. Then graduate to throwing and catching a smaller tennis ball. Once they can throw a ball underhand to a target advance them to an overhand throw. Try to make sure the opposite foot is forward from the throwing hand. In an over hand throw have them point with the opposite hand to the target. When they throw the throwing arm goes forward while the opposite arm moves away. This will create rotation just like in the golf swing!

I am very lucky to have the opportunity to work with a wide range of ages in my profession. I truly love working with all ages, for many different reasons. Therefore I want to make sure that I am offering skills, drills and advice for all the students I work with. If you are an adult at home and don’t have any children don’t forget that these drills of under hand and over hand throwing can also apply to you! It is a great way to work on focussing on your target and worrying less about technique. If you go down to your garage, or back yard and challenge yourself to throw a ball at a certain target, you are working on pre-shot routine, target focus, alignment and body motion!
So lets all get back to the basics and enjoy this time to really work on our games from the very basics onward!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone out on the golf course very soon!
Leila Harman
PGA of Canada "Class A Professional'
PGA of Canada "Class A Professional'
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