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News, Stories, and Tips

Most of the best players in the world start each season with a clear idea of the priority areas of their game they would like to improve.  They then develop a plan to focus on the key elements of their swing or short game that need the most attention.This same concept can be very beneficial for the recreational player.

First, we suggest for you to sit down with a Professional Coach and discuss which aspect of your game will make the biggest impact on your score. Once that has been established, try and follow the following step by step process...
For Example, You have decided that you would like to build a PLAN around the key elements of improving your driving of the golf ball:
1. ASSESS your equipment. Is the driver a good fit for my game? Do these club specs allow them to see great ball flights when they make good swings? Assess the technical aspects of your golf swing with your Coach.
2. PLAN how much time do they spend practicing each week? How many coaching sessions will you require in order to achieve your goals? Throughout the plan, you can then periodically assess its effectiveness and keep stats to measure your progress. Are you driving it better? Is the plan working or can we slightly alter the plan to improve our practice?
3. PERFORM - You have developed a foundation that will provide you with the best opportunity to perform on the course which is ultimately the goal of every golfer. Now it is time to take your newly learned skills and JUST PLAY!!

Developing a plan can have a major impact on a player’s ability to improve the key areas of their game and give their practice sessions a clear focus. This can give the player the best chance to play well and help them avoid long slumps throughout the season.

Overall, having a clear plan can go a long way to helping players improve and enjoy their game!

Brett Saunders
Director of Coaching & Development
PGA of Australia Member
PGA of Canada ‘Class A’ Professional

Saunders Performance Group
Morgan Creek Performance Golf Academy
Morgan Creek Performance Putting Studio

C: 604.866.4653
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
W: www.brettsaundersgolf.com

3500 Morgan Creek Way, Surrey, B.C. V3Z 0J7