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News, Stories, and Tips

A hot topic in North America lately is the lack of bees in our ecosystem, and how we can help by having a beehive. Morgan Creek is devoted to helping the environment and encouraging nature around our property.

Bees are a hard-working essential part of our food supply. Without bees to pollinate our fruits and vegetables, the food crops we would lose more than 1/3 of our food supply.

Championed by our General Manager Bryan McPherson, our team will be placing some hives around our property, starting in April 2018, to help the bee population! We will also be encouraging some wildflower growth in areas for our bee friends to pollinate. Morgan Creek is proud to be a part in helping the bees flourish, and we look forward to the exciting adventure ahead!

3500 Morgan Creek Way, Surrey, B.C. V3Z 0J7