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News, Stories, and Tips

We all know that planning what is to be the happiest day of your life can turn into a nightmare.

The key to a stress free wedding is organize, organize, organize, it's about the only way you'll be able to keep track of all the small details that come with a wedding. Here are a few ways you can organize yourself throughout the planning process:

Wedding Notebook

Get a notebook or planner

Not everyone needs a planner, but we all need to have something to jot down spontaneous ideas or contacts throughout the day. If you want to use a planner, choose wisely. They are not all equal in quality, regardless of how much you may pay for them. Opt for one that is small enough to carry with you at all times, has tab dividers, and includes all the sections you want. If you're using a notebook or pad, use the front portion to take notes, the back for all your phone numbers, and the middle section for secret ideas

File Box

Create a file box

Using regular file folders or pocket folders, label ones for "gowns" "entertainment" "favors" "bouquets" and so on. As you browse through bridal magazines, tear out inspiring pictures and use the files to help you clarify your thoughts. A collapsible file folder will work equally well.

Prioritize your desires

Every bride stresses over something. Find out what is most important to you and make a list of your top priorities. Do you worry about the gown or are you worried about the guests having fun? Your list of priorities will help to keep yourself in line and on schedule.


Wall Calendar

Designate a large wall calendar for all wedding related appointments and dates. Use sticky notes small enough to fit each day to post into the appropriate dates. This way, if things need to be changed, it's just a matter of peeling and re-sticking. The calendar appears cleaner and less messy and much easier to handle. You can even color code your sticky notes (e.g. all bills in red).

30 minutes a day

That's all you need to do your wedding planning, even if you don't think there's anything to do. Take time to look through a few magazines, search the internet, or gradually add people to your guest list. A little goes a long way, especially when you get a head start.

Take a good look at these simple planning ideas and use what works best with your lifestyle. Or, use them as a brainstorming session and create an organizational method that suits you. You are now fully armed to tackle all the wedding details! Enjoy the process to its fullest. Remember: organize, prioritize, and categorize.

Tags: Wedding Planning

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